Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Don't let a grade determine your future as a home stager

I’ve gotten many teary phone calls from people who have taken another training program and “just” fell short of the required 80% it takes to “qualify” for guaranteed employment as a home stager.

Many of these aspiring home stagers find that no matter how educated or talented they are, or how long they’ve been staging homes on their own, they can’t get that elusive 80% needed to successfully complete the program for the “guaranteed job.”

I don't believe you should let a grade determine whether or not you can make it as a home stager as I've explained in detail in this post on the Home Staging Business Report.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Beware of home staging snake oil

As anyone who has attended an Ask Staging Diva Live Event or taken my home staging training knows, I am always upfront and honest about how the home staging industry works. I'm always bothered when I see a company operating unethically.

Home staging training organizations, associations and others offering the latest “guaranteed staging job” or “get rich quick as a home stager” product are coming on the scene almost every month and most of them offer a different “credential” or “certification” for home stagers who sign up.

I recently wrote an article on this topic and posted it on the Home Staging Business Report. Read more about my take on home staging credentials here.